
Said one of the wise: What I've seen the most miserable of four ... 1 - A man wearing old and has a new 2 - and a man invited to dinner and ask for more 3 - and a man wants to commit suicide and old long It was said then ...? strike for his head and eyes and said: and a man in this time has not entered the blogger business 4 men

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stretch Marks.

Stretch Marks are very embarrassing to live with. What's even worse is that they are mostly found in places that are very revealing for most women. These are the thighs, tummy, bottom and legs. These scars pose no physical harm whatsoever but the effect that the have to lower one's self confidence is very great. This is something that most pregnant women have to put up with. The reason for this is because the marks occurs due to a rapid change in size of the body; that is when the skin is stretched beyond it capacity. These marks are very annoying but they are things that you can do to reduce them.

When you have these marks it limits you as to the type of clothing you can wear. Wouldn't you want to walk on the beach without being concern of what others may say about the way you look? If so, follow the tips below to reduce Stretch Marks and have your clear and beautiful skin back.

1. You must start with proper .nutrition You skin cells need the right nutrient to restore and repair damaged tissues. Make sure you have adequate amount of Vitamin E and Zinc in your diet as they are essential for fast recovery of scars. Another thing you could do is to crush the Vitamin E capsules and apply it on the Stretch Marks.

2. Laser Surgery is also an option to reduce stretch marks. The only problem with this method is that it can be very expensive for the average person and most people also report that it is painful.

3. Aside from the above methods to reduce Stretch Marks, there are more cost effective ways to get rid of those ugly scars for good. You can use Stretch Marks creams that are made from natural ingredients to restore your true skin.

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